Make an appointment!
Our practice software is in German, don´t worry!
We have added a dictionary to help you below.
Please note that appointments are only available 30 days in advance!
Neukunde = Nouveau client / New client
Bestandskunde = Client existant / ​Existing client
Vorname = Prénom / First name
Nachname = Nom de famille / ​Surname
PLZ = Code postal / Postal code
Ort = Commune / Place
Tiername = Nom de l´animal / Name of the animal
Tierart = Espèces de l’animal / Species of the animal (Hund = Chien / Dog, Katze = Chat / Cat, Heimtier = Petit mammifère / Small mammal)
Termin buchen = Réserver le RDV / Book appointment
Tierarzt = Vétérinaire (choisissez le vétérinaire de votre choix) / Veterinarian (choose the veterinarian you would like to see)
Zusätzliche Mitteilung = Informations supplémentaires (ajoutez des informations supplémentaires sur les raisons pour lesquelles vous avez besoin d’une consultation pour votre animal de compagnie) / Additional information (add additional information about why you need a consultation for your pet)
Not all types of appointments are available for online booking, or your concerns may be urgent. Please contact us by email or by phone if you have questions.
Data protection
The personal data communicated directly or indirectly by the client in the context of your relationship with Déierepraxis yourVets S.à r.l. are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and the law of 1 August 2018 on the organisation of the National Commission for Data Protection and on the implementation of the above-mentioned Regulation (EU) 2016/679.